  • 联系人:江经理
  • QQ号码:1205766912
  • 电话号码:020-86212162
  • 手机号码:18998805543
  • Email地址:1205766912@qq.com
  • 公司地址:广东省广州市白云区黄石西路222号欧亚达家居4楼
And the laminate used in the rack must be 25 mm thick high density board, of course, can also be replaced by iron plate, but this cost will be raised, there is no indispensable. The process must be pickled first, then three processes to rust, deoiling, then baking at high temperature, then spraying powder, the temperature must be adjusted to the appropriate, and the paint line must not be less than 300 meters above the plane contact line of the river. Packaging, must wait for good varieties of high-quality genuine shelf cooling, unified on the carpet package Otherwise, it will be easy to scratch Use angle to attract customers而层架所用的层板 要25mm厚的高疏密程度板,当然也可以用铁板接替,但这么成本会拉高,也没有不可缺少的。工艺 要先酸洗,再过三道工序去锈,除油,而后再高温烘焙,再喷粉,温度 要调到合宜,并且烤漆线不可少要300米以上的逝川平面接触线,这么受热温度与时间才可以让粉附在铁材料外表上,因此起到尽力照顾材料不生锈,道具外表光泽。包装方面, 要等优良的品种品 货架冷却后,一统在地毯上包装,否则会容易有划痕 利用角度,吸引客户