  • 联系人:江经理
  • QQ号码:1205766912
  • 电话号码:020-86212162
  • 手机号码:18998805543
  • Email地址:1205766912@qq.com
  • 公司地址:广东省广州市白云区黄石西路222号欧亚达家居4楼
Some operators think that models are easier to show, and put a lot of models in their own shops, but they will have the opposite effect, making people feel that the brand has some "water" and the so-called "rare things are expensive ". Wearing the best style on the model has the best effect. Rational use of "live models" The shop guide is the living model of the clothing franchisee, which style they will sell, this is a good way to reduce inventory. 6. store display should be rhythmic Do not divide the color system too rigid, the left side of the store is cold color right is warm color too uncoordinated, cold and warm collocation to have a sense of rhythm.有的经营者认为模特比较容易出展示效果,就在自己的店铺放很多模特,但却会起到相反的效果,让人感觉这个牌子有些“水”,所谓“物以稀为贵”,把款式穿在模特上有效果。 合理利用“活模特”   卖场的导购员是服装加盟店的活模特,她们穿哪个款式就会卖哪个款式,这可是减少库存的好方法。 6、卖场陈列要有节奏感  不要把色系分的太死板,卖场的左边是冷色右边是暖色太不协调,冷暖搭配要有节奏感。