澳大利亚食品安全周启动 专家称鸡蛋比牛奶食品安全风险大
时间:2015-11-09 11:46:50 来源:食品伙伴网 点击量:163
食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,澳洲食品安全周(Australian Food Safety Week)已从8日启动持续至15日,专家称鸡蛋比牛奶食品安全风险大。
澳食品安全信息委员会(Food Safety Information Council)主席威廉姆斯(Rachelle Williams)表示,很多国民不会正确处理食品,若处理不当容易引起食物中毒。
AUSTRALIANS are mistakenly blaming the “off” milk at the back of the fridge for food poisoning rather than much more risky raw egg dishes, according to a national OmniPoll survey commissioned for Australian Food Safety Week.
Food Safety Information Council chairwoman Rachelle Williams said the research found most people correctly recognised that chicken (95%), minced meat (90%) and seafood (96%) were food poisoning risks if not handled properly. But milk is unlikely to be a problem as pasteurisation kills any dangerous bacteria.
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