时间:2015-05-22 09:00:53 来源:全球阀门网 点击量:205
据道琼斯5月20日消息,印度正试图从中东地区以外国家进口更多的原油,因为近年来中东地区的地缘政治风险大幅上升。据印度政府称,印度国有石油勘探公司ONGC海外子公司OVL Videsh已经与墨西哥国家石油公司签署一份谅解备忘录,双方将在油气上游领域互相合作。该协议是印度石油部长Dharmendra Pradhan本周初访问墨西哥时签署的。此外,OVL Videsh正在墨西哥城设立办事处以追逐上游领域的投资机会。
DJ ONGC Overseas Arm in Pact With Petroleos Mexicanos
[Dow Jones] India is trying to import more crude from countries outside the Middle Eastern region, where geopolitical risks have soared in recent years. That's likely why India's state-run flagship oil exploration company--Oil & Natural Gas Corp.'s (500312.BY) overseas arm OVL Videsh--has signed a memorandum of understanding with Petroleos Mexicanos (PEM.YY) for mutual cooperation in the upstream sector, according to the government. The agreement was signed during India's oil minister Dharmendra Pradhan's visit to the country earlier this week. OVL Videsh is also setting a local office in Mexico city to pursue opportunities in the upstream sector, it said.
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