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时间:2015-05-22 09:03:44 来源:全球阀门网 点击量:212

据国外媒体5月16日休斯敦报道,作为俄罗斯卢克石油公司和乌兹别克斯坦国家石油天然气公司共同实施的坎迪姆早期天然气项目(KEGP)的一部分,卢克石油日前启动了两个天然气处理厂生产测试,这两个天然气处理厂分别位于乌兹别克斯坦布哈拉地区的Northern Shady气田和Kuvachi-Alat气田。



李峻 编译


Lukoil starts production tests for Kandym early gas project in Uzbekistan


May 16,2015

World Energy News

Russian’s OAO Lukoil has started production tests of two gas treatment plants at the Northern Shady site and Kuvachi-Alat field in Uzbekistan’s Bukhara region as part of the Kandym early gas project (KEGP), which is being implemented together with state holding company Uzbekneftegaz.

The treatment plants have a combined capacity of 2.2 billion cu m/year and will process gas from 34 wells. Launching the new facilities will allow Lukoil to significantly increase its gas production in Uzbekistan, the company said.

KEGP is the initial stage of the large-scale Kandym group of fields surface facilities construction project under the Kandym-Khauzak-Shady-Kungrad production-sharing agreement. The Kandym group consists of six gas condensate fields.

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